2023 Issue Two
Oct 9, 2023

CEO Kōrero
It has been without a doubt one of the most refreshing, busy and exciting times for Te Aupōuri. Recent events, outcomes and achievements have proven we are moving tghrough the year with great momentum, and we have so much more to see out the remainder of the year. Staff morale is high, and productivity is reflective of that, as you can see by the contents of this pānui.
I look forward to what the rest of 2023 has inshore for Te Aupōuri.

Te Aupōuri attended Ngā Mate o te Motu ki Te Koroneihana. A considerable delegation of Te Aupōuri tamariki and kaumātua attended the kaupapa. Pene-Taui spoke for the iwi, reciting Tūheitia's Aupōuri whakapapathrough his father and grandmother. Te Kapa Haka o Te Aupōuri performed alongside Te Kura o Te Kao.
Ehara mai I tētahi āhua!

As many may know, kaimahi, whānau, and our manuhiri embarked on an amazing journey to harvest the whale that had beached at Waimahuru in early August. The opportunity to return to the practices of old in a new time, could not be missed. With the guidance and expertise of Tori Part, his son, Te Kaurinui, and their support team of practitioners, we were able to harvest this taonga. This huge kaupapa, required a full team response, with many across the Rūnanga and haukainga stepping up to provide support. Most stayed for the duration of the process, lasting 4 days.

The entirety of this experience will stay with all that came to observe and participate. Thank you to Hori Parata, Te Kaurinui and their team from Ngati Was, the Ngai Takoto team, our kaumatua, Waitai Petera and Heta Conrad, our haukainga that came to support and the Rūnanga Team.
Tupu Plumbing Kaimahi
Meet the Tupu Plumbing Team! We are proud to welcome our kaimahi you, Justine, Robert and Cliff. Together, exceeding 80 years' od experience, which is demonstrated in their work thus far. As a team they bring a wealth of knowledge to the initiative and we look forward to seeing this passed on to our tauira.

Justine Purchase - Project Manager
Bringing 25 years' experience in Project Management and Supply Chain within the Construction and Pharmaceutical sector. Moved from Helensville to Takahe 2 years ago, even though we don't have a known link, we feel we are finally home. We have some cows and 2 cats. I am really excited to be a part of the Tupu Plumbing initiative, I have a genuine passion for our community development while making a positive difference to whānau. I am working towards improving my Reo.
Cliff Ward - Site Manager

Cliff is a certified drain layer with over 20 years experience. With his wife Rachel Karena and their tamariki, Cliff lives in Te Kao. Cliff has returned to Te Kao to work for the Tupu Project. Originally from Northern Ireland and have been in Aotearoa since the 90's.
Robert Purchase - Navigator

Rob brings 40 years Engineering and Construction experience. During this time, Rob has trained apprentices. Patea born, Ko Ngati Tuwharetoa toku iwi. I am a proud dad of 5 sons. It has always been in my intention to work with tamariki in training while sharing my knowledge and experience.
Tupu Plumbing Initiative
We are grateful to have had many applicants to participate in this new initiative. Applicants geographically stretched from Christchurch to Te Kao. On the 2nd October, 6 eager and excited tauira will begin their training towards a career in the construction industry.
Of the 6 chosen, 1 is a school leaver, 1 is finishing at Northtec and 4 were on the job seeker benefit. All are of Te Hiku descent.
Tupu have secured premises at 3/1367 North Road, Kaitaia, that has a secure area where we will be setting up 2 tank systems for training. Davey pumps have kindly donated a training set (pump, filter, UV system and small tank).
Finalisation of the curriculum is in progress and we expect this to be completed prior to the tauira starting. Our first tank install is scheduled the last week of October.
The Tupu team are grateful for the amazing support received from internal and external stakeholders. Ngā mini Nui kia koutou.
CEO Kōrero
It has been without a doubt one of the most refreshing, busy and exciting times for Te Aupōuri. Recent events, outcomes and achievements have proven we are moving tghrough the year with great momentum, and we have so much more to see out the remainder of the year. Staff morale is high, and productivity is reflective of that, as you can see by the contents of this pānui.
I look forward to what the rest of 2023 has inshore for Te Aupōuri.

Te Aupōuri attended Ngā Mate o te Motu ki Te Koroneihana. A considerable delegation of Te Aupōuri tamariki and kaumātua attended the kaupapa. Pene-Taui spoke for the iwi, reciting Tūheitia's Aupōuri whakapapathrough his father and grandmother. Te Kapa Haka o Te Aupōuri performed alongside Te Kura o Te Kao.
Ehara mai I tētahi āhua!

As many may know, kaimahi, whānau, and our manuhiri embarked on an amazing journey to harvest the whale that had beached at Waimahuru in early August. The opportunity to return to the practices of old in a new time, could not be missed. With the guidance and expertise of Tori Part, his son, Te Kaurinui, and their support team of practitioners, we were able to harvest this taonga. This huge kaupapa, required a full team response, with many across the Rūnanga and haukainga stepping up to provide support. Most stayed for the duration of the process, lasting 4 days.

The entirety of this experience will stay with all that came to observe and participate. Thank you to Hori Parata, Te Kaurinui and their team from Ngati Was, the Ngai Takoto team, our kaumatua, Waitai Petera and Heta Conrad, our haukainga that came to support and the Rūnanga Team.
Tupu Plumbing Kaimahi
Meet the Tupu Plumbing Team! We are proud to welcome our kaimahi you, Justine, Robert and Cliff. Together, exceeding 80 years' od experience, which is demonstrated in their work thus far. As a team they bring a wealth of knowledge to the initiative and we look forward to seeing this passed on to our tauira.

Justine Purchase - Project Manager
Bringing 25 years' experience in Project Management and Supply Chain within the Construction and Pharmaceutical sector. Moved from Helensville to Takahe 2 years ago, even though we don't have a known link, we feel we are finally home. We have some cows and 2 cats. I am really excited to be a part of the Tupu Plumbing initiative, I have a genuine passion for our community development while making a positive difference to whānau. I am working towards improving my Reo.
Cliff Ward - Site Manager

Cliff is a certified drain layer with over 20 years experience. With his wife Rachel Karena and their tamariki, Cliff lives in Te Kao. Cliff has returned to Te Kao to work for the Tupu Project. Originally from Northern Ireland and have been in Aotearoa since the 90's.
Robert Purchase - Navigator

Rob brings 40 years Engineering and Construction experience. During this time, Rob has trained apprentices. Patea born, Ko Ngati Tuwharetoa toku iwi. I am a proud dad of 5 sons. It has always been in my intention to work with tamariki in training while sharing my knowledge and experience.
Tupu Plumbing Initiative
We are grateful to have had many applicants to participate in this new initiative. Applicants geographically stretched from Christchurch to Te Kao. On the 2nd October, 6 eager and excited tauira will begin their training towards a career in the construction industry.
Of the 6 chosen, 1 is a school leaver, 1 is finishing at Northtec and 4 were on the job seeker benefit. All are of Te Hiku descent.
Tupu have secured premises at 3/1367 North Road, Kaitaia, that has a secure area where we will be setting up 2 tank systems for training. Davey pumps have kindly donated a training set (pump, filter, UV system and small tank).
Finalisation of the curriculum is in progress and we expect this to be completed prior to the tauira starting. Our first tank install is scheduled the last week of October.
The Tupu team are grateful for the amazing support received from internal and external stakeholders. Ngā mini Nui kia koutou.
CEO Kōrero
It has been without a doubt one of the most refreshing, busy and exciting times for Te Aupōuri. Recent events, outcomes and achievements have proven we are moving tghrough the year with great momentum, and we have so much more to see out the remainder of the year. Staff morale is high, and productivity is reflective of that, as you can see by the contents of this pānui.
I look forward to what the rest of 2023 has inshore for Te Aupōuri.

Te Aupōuri attended Ngā Mate o te Motu ki Te Koroneihana. A considerable delegation of Te Aupōuri tamariki and kaumātua attended the kaupapa. Pene-Taui spoke for the iwi, reciting Tūheitia's Aupōuri whakapapathrough his father and grandmother. Te Kapa Haka o Te Aupōuri performed alongside Te Kura o Te Kao.
Ehara mai I tētahi āhua!

As many may know, kaimahi, whānau, and our manuhiri embarked on an amazing journey to harvest the whale that had beached at Waimahuru in early August. The opportunity to return to the practices of old in a new time, could not be missed. With the guidance and expertise of Tori Part, his son, Te Kaurinui, and their support team of practitioners, we were able to harvest this taonga. This huge kaupapa, required a full team response, with many across the Rūnanga and haukainga stepping up to provide support. Most stayed for the duration of the process, lasting 4 days.

The entirety of this experience will stay with all that came to observe and participate. Thank you to Hori Parata, Te Kaurinui and their team from Ngati Was, the Ngai Takoto team, our kaumatua, Waitai Petera and Heta Conrad, our haukainga that came to support and the Rūnanga Team.
Tupu Plumbing Kaimahi
Meet the Tupu Plumbing Team! We are proud to welcome our kaimahi you, Justine, Robert and Cliff. Together, exceeding 80 years' od experience, which is demonstrated in their work thus far. As a team they bring a wealth of knowledge to the initiative and we look forward to seeing this passed on to our tauira.

Justine Purchase - Project Manager
Bringing 25 years' experience in Project Management and Supply Chain within the Construction and Pharmaceutical sector. Moved from Helensville to Takahe 2 years ago, even though we don't have a known link, we feel we are finally home. We have some cows and 2 cats. I am really excited to be a part of the Tupu Plumbing initiative, I have a genuine passion for our community development while making a positive difference to whānau. I am working towards improving my Reo.
Cliff Ward - Site Manager

Cliff is a certified drain layer with over 20 years experience. With his wife Rachel Karena and their tamariki, Cliff lives in Te Kao. Cliff has returned to Te Kao to work for the Tupu Project. Originally from Northern Ireland and have been in Aotearoa since the 90's.
Robert Purchase - Navigator

Rob brings 40 years Engineering and Construction experience. During this time, Rob has trained apprentices. Patea born, Ko Ngati Tuwharetoa toku iwi. I am a proud dad of 5 sons. It has always been in my intention to work with tamariki in training while sharing my knowledge and experience.
Tupu Plumbing Initiative
We are grateful to have had many applicants to participate in this new initiative. Applicants geographically stretched from Christchurch to Te Kao. On the 2nd October, 6 eager and excited tauira will begin their training towards a career in the construction industry.
Of the 6 chosen, 1 is a school leaver, 1 is finishing at Northtec and 4 were on the job seeker benefit. All are of Te Hiku descent.
Tupu have secured premises at 3/1367 North Road, Kaitaia, that has a secure area where we will be setting up 2 tank systems for training. Davey pumps have kindly donated a training set (pump, filter, UV system and small tank).
Finalisation of the curriculum is in progress and we expect this to be completed prior to the tauira starting. Our first tank install is scheduled the last week of October.
The Tupu team are grateful for the amazing support received from internal and external stakeholders. Ngā mini Nui kia koutou.