2023 Issue One
May 8, 2023

CEO Kōrero
2023 has started with a hiss and a roar! From whakawātea at Pōtahi, cyclones and Puna Wai ora landing there 100th tank. It is safe to say we have been getting the mahi done for the betterment of Aupōuri whānau. I hope this pānui gives insight into our successes thus far.
Pōtahi papakainga
Waitangi weekend marked the beginning of new development at Pōtahi papakāinga. With the support of haukāinga, a whakawātea was held in preparation for earth works and the landing of three new whare. Since then, two more whare are nearing completion. This is project has not only been beneficial in the way of housing but has created work opportunities for local contractors. Local materials were also sourced including from our own forest, keeping pūtea circulating locally. Once completed, we hope to have a total of 16 homes on site and operational for Aupōuri whānau.
National Iwi Chairs Forum
Despite the challenges of attending hui in the wake of an impending cyclone and state of emergency, Aupōuri representation at National Iwi Chairs Forum was strong. Our chairman and many trustees attended to represent us and the interests of our iwi. Overall, the hui was well attended by many iwi leaders and government officials. This was a great opportunity to address iwi issues, share knowledge and offer solutions, by māori for māori. This was reflected in the outcomes from the forum, such as further investment in housing, te taiao, whenua development and food resilience.
Aupōuri at Waitangi Day
This year, Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri kaimahi lead and participated promotion and celebrations at Waitangi. The day was spent capturing invaluable kōrero from whānau, refreshing details, sharing information, hosting kaumātua, and general promotion of Te Aupōuri. The feedback received was positive, and we look forward to attending next year.
He Tangata Funding
This round of He Tangata Funding saw an exponential growth in applications, doubling normal registrations. We are pleased to share, over $60,000.00 worth of grants will be paid to support study and further education of Te Aupōuri members. The second round of He Tangata funding will re-open in June 2023. We hope to share recipient testimonials via social media in the following months.
Puna Wai Ora
We are proud to announce, last Friday marked the 100th installation of water tanks in Te Hiku. We look forward to celebrating this milestone alongside the many experienced contractors, plumbers and builders that have made this possible. The impact of this project has been hugely beneficial, not only through enabling whanau to access clean drinking water, but by creating local job opportunities and apprenticeships in the plumbing industry.
New Trustees for Te Aupōuri Iwi Development Trust
Congratulations to our newly appointed Te Aupōuri Iwi Development Trustees, Tamara Chirstie-Siaosi and Michelle Nathan. Both, Aupouri members bring invaluable experience in their professions and passion to grow opportunities for Aupōuri whānau
Cyclone Gabrielle
February saw the wrath of Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle hit Aotearoa. Locally, the adverse effects from this major weather event, saw haukāinga without power for long periods of time, destruction of property, road closures and some whānau evacuated. In Te Kao, we applied the same emergency response plan as we did with the Covid pandemic and got through relatively unscathed.Under the supervision of Niki Conrad, OWOT and Kaimanaaki staff were re-deployed to carry out welfare support calls, deliveries, clearing debris off the roads and supporting our whanau at the Marae. As a response to this event, we are investigating ways in which we can become more resilient, should we face similar circumstances again. Special thanks to Niki Conrad, OWOT, Kaimanaaki, Pōtahi Marae, WOP, Te Hiku Teams and all those that supported our haukāinga through this event. Our thoughts are with all those whānau that were severely impacted. Kia kaha tatou.
Moekoraha, Lamb Road Housing development
Clearing of 18.5ha of land at Moekoraha, along Lamb Road has begun. Once un-utilised Te Raite farm land, plans are being made to develop this space for Aupōuri housing. Watch this space!
Te Aupōuri Taonga Exhibited at Auckland Mueseum
He kitenga taonga he hokinga whakaaro ki ngā mātua tūpuna o tuawhakarere. Tēnei ngā uri o Te Ihupango, o Te Houtaewa, o Te Kapa, e tūtaki atu nei, e pā atu nei ki ēnei manatunga whakaahurei a te iwi o Te Aupōuri, mai rā anō i te ao tawhito. E ao te noho tahi a ngā whanaunga ki raro i te maru o Tāmaki Paenga Hira, ki ko hoki i tō tātou whanaunga i a Bobby Newson.
Oranga Whenua, Oranga Tangata
As a team the focus has been installing traps in and around Te Arai, Wahakari and Kokota. The results of this have been massive with possums, cats, rats, hedgehogs and even mustelids being caught. It is sad to think that we have these pests in our taiao, but the results prove that they're here and that our hard work is worth it. The field team have been fencing and beginning restoration work on our wahi tapu/maunga Roimata. We are grateful for our working relationships with our stakeholders, Parengarenga Inc, Parengarenga 3G and Summit. They are invaluable to the mahi we undertake as our access ways fall in and along their boundaries. The nursery is booming! We are on the verge of reaching 40-50,000 plants ready to be planted in the coming weeks. Planting will start once the weather becomes cooler, so there is moisture in the ground and our babies have a greater survival rate. Work on our 2024 plants has also commenced, with propagating and transplanting seedlings. All seedlings are eco sourced within our taiao. In the community, OWOT recently worked alongside marae whanau to complete fencing needed around Pōtahi Marae. All of the team continue to upskill. This year, completing a tree felling/chainsaw course and Grow Safe courses. Plans are set for OWOT to continue development, undergoing more interest-driven courses that align with individuals and their roles. We hope through personalised training all will be empowered in themselves and by their work, in turn bringing the best outcomes for everybody. On a somber note, we farewelled Hemi Conrad. We wish him well in all his future endeavors.
Waipuna aa rangi roadshow
Work is under way to reform the delivery of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater across Aotearoa. All services will soon be delivered by ten publicly owned, locally led water entities. As a part of these reforms, all water entities must:
give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
remove existing barriers and prioritise system design on incorporating solutions that give
effect to Te Mana o te Wai; and
address Iwi/Maori rights and interests.
All iwi and hapu within Te Tai Tokerau (Entity A) are entitled to be involved in the design, establishment and implementation of the key transition workstreams for our local water service entities. Waipuna aa rangi facilitate this! As a way to get iwi-maori involved with the process and have their say, Waipuna aa rangi will be doing a road show around Northland, including a stop at Pōtahi Marae to kōrero with Aupōuri whānau in July 2023. Pānui will be shared via social media once a date has been set. For more information about Waipuna aa rangi and new water reforms, check out their website! https://www.waipunaaarangi.nz.
Tupu Plumbing Initiative
Te Aupōuri Iwi Development Trust, alongside Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust and Crown partners are launching a Group Employer Programme called Tupu Plumbing. The aim of Tupu is to support the installation of water tanks and provide a pathway for participants to gain ongoing employment within the Construction industry in Te Hiku o Te Ika a Maui (Te Hiku). This will be done by providing appropriate training, development opportunities and a foot in the door with local employers. Vacancies are available, and we are seeking people with appropriate skills to lead, motivate and guide participants through training and entry into the workforce. For more information about these vacancies, please see out Facebook page for links to seek listings. More detailed information about this initiative and how to become a participant will be shared in due course.
This year we continue with licensing courses for our Rangatahi. Some receiving their Learners' license and preparing others for their restricted. We hope to have all tauira sit their restricted soon. A huge mihi to the awesome staff at Reap! Poumau Papali’i- Smith and Ra Simeon, who were able to facilitate learner’s license courses in Te Kao this year and in 2022, and also to Angelene Waitohi who supported our rangatahi with their restricted. We are looking forward to holding further courses for haukāinga in the near future.
Kaimahi Hou
2023 we welcomed Arerina and Koro to the OWOT Team! Koro is enjoying the diverse range of work his team are tasked with, while Arerina loves working with nature to nurture native plants at Komako nursery. As haukāinga, both are proud kaitiaki of the whenua, ensuring it's preservation and growth for future generations. Nau mai, haere mai korua!
Our current vacancies are:
Tupu Plumbing Navigator - https://www.seek.co.nz/job/67150259
Tupu Plumbing - Project Manager / Administrator - https://www.seek.co.nz/job/67150698
Tupu Plumbing – Site Supervisor / Certified Plumber - https://www.seek.co.nz/job/67150927
If you have a passion for community development, making a difference to the lives of Te Hiku whānau and are looking for a chance to lead an exciting and progressive initiative, this role could be for you! For all info, follow the links above, email hr@teaupouri.iwi.nz or call Clayton, (027) 278 9330.
CEO Kōrero
2023 has started with a hiss and a roar! From whakawātea at Pōtahi, cyclones and Puna Wai ora landing there 100th tank. It is safe to say we have been getting the mahi done for the betterment of Aupōuri whānau. I hope this pānui gives insight into our successes thus far.
Pōtahi papakainga
Waitangi weekend marked the beginning of new development at Pōtahi papakāinga. With the support of haukāinga, a whakawātea was held in preparation for earth works and the landing of three new whare. Since then, two more whare are nearing completion. This is project has not only been beneficial in the way of housing but has created work opportunities for local contractors. Local materials were also sourced including from our own forest, keeping pūtea circulating locally. Once completed, we hope to have a total of 16 homes on site and operational for Aupōuri whānau.
National Iwi Chairs Forum
Despite the challenges of attending hui in the wake of an impending cyclone and state of emergency, Aupōuri representation at National Iwi Chairs Forum was strong. Our chairman and many trustees attended to represent us and the interests of our iwi. Overall, the hui was well attended by many iwi leaders and government officials. This was a great opportunity to address iwi issues, share knowledge and offer solutions, by māori for māori. This was reflected in the outcomes from the forum, such as further investment in housing, te taiao, whenua development and food resilience.
Aupōuri at Waitangi Day
This year, Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri kaimahi lead and participated promotion and celebrations at Waitangi. The day was spent capturing invaluable kōrero from whānau, refreshing details, sharing information, hosting kaumātua, and general promotion of Te Aupōuri. The feedback received was positive, and we look forward to attending next year.
He Tangata Funding
This round of He Tangata Funding saw an exponential growth in applications, doubling normal registrations. We are pleased to share, over $60,000.00 worth of grants will be paid to support study and further education of Te Aupōuri members. The second round of He Tangata funding will re-open in June 2023. We hope to share recipient testimonials via social media in the following months.
Puna Wai Ora
We are proud to announce, last Friday marked the 100th installation of water tanks in Te Hiku. We look forward to celebrating this milestone alongside the many experienced contractors, plumbers and builders that have made this possible. The impact of this project has been hugely beneficial, not only through enabling whanau to access clean drinking water, but by creating local job opportunities and apprenticeships in the plumbing industry.
New Trustees for Te Aupōuri Iwi Development Trust
Congratulations to our newly appointed Te Aupōuri Iwi Development Trustees, Tamara Chirstie-Siaosi and Michelle Nathan. Both, Aupouri members bring invaluable experience in their professions and passion to grow opportunities for Aupōuri whānau
Cyclone Gabrielle
February saw the wrath of Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle hit Aotearoa. Locally, the adverse effects from this major weather event, saw haukāinga without power for long periods of time, destruction of property, road closures and some whānau evacuated. In Te Kao, we applied the same emergency response plan as we did with the Covid pandemic and got through relatively unscathed.Under the supervision of Niki Conrad, OWOT and Kaimanaaki staff were re-deployed to carry out welfare support calls, deliveries, clearing debris off the roads and supporting our whanau at the Marae. As a response to this event, we are investigating ways in which we can become more resilient, should we face similar circumstances again. Special thanks to Niki Conrad, OWOT, Kaimanaaki, Pōtahi Marae, WOP, Te Hiku Teams and all those that supported our haukāinga through this event. Our thoughts are with all those whānau that were severely impacted. Kia kaha tatou.
Moekoraha, Lamb Road Housing development
Clearing of 18.5ha of land at Moekoraha, along Lamb Road has begun. Once un-utilised Te Raite farm land, plans are being made to develop this space for Aupōuri housing. Watch this space!
Te Aupōuri Taonga Exhibited at Auckland Mueseum
He kitenga taonga he hokinga whakaaro ki ngā mātua tūpuna o tuawhakarere. Tēnei ngā uri o Te Ihupango, o Te Houtaewa, o Te Kapa, e tūtaki atu nei, e pā atu nei ki ēnei manatunga whakaahurei a te iwi o Te Aupōuri, mai rā anō i te ao tawhito. E ao te noho tahi a ngā whanaunga ki raro i te maru o Tāmaki Paenga Hira, ki ko hoki i tō tātou whanaunga i a Bobby Newson.
Oranga Whenua, Oranga Tangata
As a team the focus has been installing traps in and around Te Arai, Wahakari and Kokota. The results of this have been massive with possums, cats, rats, hedgehogs and even mustelids being caught. It is sad to think that we have these pests in our taiao, but the results prove that they're here and that our hard work is worth it. The field team have been fencing and beginning restoration work on our wahi tapu/maunga Roimata. We are grateful for our working relationships with our stakeholders, Parengarenga Inc, Parengarenga 3G and Summit. They are invaluable to the mahi we undertake as our access ways fall in and along their boundaries. The nursery is booming! We are on the verge of reaching 40-50,000 plants ready to be planted in the coming weeks. Planting will start once the weather becomes cooler, so there is moisture in the ground and our babies have a greater survival rate. Work on our 2024 plants has also commenced, with propagating and transplanting seedlings. All seedlings are eco sourced within our taiao. In the community, OWOT recently worked alongside marae whanau to complete fencing needed around Pōtahi Marae. All of the team continue to upskill. This year, completing a tree felling/chainsaw course and Grow Safe courses. Plans are set for OWOT to continue development, undergoing more interest-driven courses that align with individuals and their roles. We hope through personalised training all will be empowered in themselves and by their work, in turn bringing the best outcomes for everybody. On a somber note, we farewelled Hemi Conrad. We wish him well in all his future endeavors.
Waipuna aa rangi roadshow
Work is under way to reform the delivery of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater across Aotearoa. All services will soon be delivered by ten publicly owned, locally led water entities. As a part of these reforms, all water entities must:
give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
remove existing barriers and prioritise system design on incorporating solutions that give
effect to Te Mana o te Wai; and
address Iwi/Maori rights and interests.
All iwi and hapu within Te Tai Tokerau (Entity A) are entitled to be involved in the design, establishment and implementation of the key transition workstreams for our local water service entities. Waipuna aa rangi facilitate this! As a way to get iwi-maori involved with the process and have their say, Waipuna aa rangi will be doing a road show around Northland, including a stop at Pōtahi Marae to kōrero with Aupōuri whānau in July 2023. Pānui will be shared via social media once a date has been set. For more information about Waipuna aa rangi and new water reforms, check out their website! https://www.waipunaaarangi.nz.
Tupu Plumbing Initiative
Te Aupōuri Iwi Development Trust, alongside Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust and Crown partners are launching a Group Employer Programme called Tupu Plumbing. The aim of Tupu is to support the installation of water tanks and provide a pathway for participants to gain ongoing employment within the Construction industry in Te Hiku o Te Ika a Maui (Te Hiku). This will be done by providing appropriate training, development opportunities and a foot in the door with local employers. Vacancies are available, and we are seeking people with appropriate skills to lead, motivate and guide participants through training and entry into the workforce. For more information about these vacancies, please see out Facebook page for links to seek listings. More detailed information about this initiative and how to become a participant will be shared in due course.
This year we continue with licensing courses for our Rangatahi. Some receiving their Learners' license and preparing others for their restricted. We hope to have all tauira sit their restricted soon. A huge mihi to the awesome staff at Reap! Poumau Papali’i- Smith and Ra Simeon, who were able to facilitate learner’s license courses in Te Kao this year and in 2022, and also to Angelene Waitohi who supported our rangatahi with their restricted. We are looking forward to holding further courses for haukāinga in the near future.
Kaimahi Hou
2023 we welcomed Arerina and Koro to the OWOT Team! Koro is enjoying the diverse range of work his team are tasked with, while Arerina loves working with nature to nurture native plants at Komako nursery. As haukāinga, both are proud kaitiaki of the whenua, ensuring it's preservation and growth for future generations. Nau mai, haere mai korua!
Our current vacancies are:
Tupu Plumbing Navigator - https://www.seek.co.nz/job/67150259
Tupu Plumbing - Project Manager / Administrator - https://www.seek.co.nz/job/67150698
Tupu Plumbing – Site Supervisor / Certified Plumber - https://www.seek.co.nz/job/67150927
If you have a passion for community development, making a difference to the lives of Te Hiku whānau and are looking for a chance to lead an exciting and progressive initiative, this role could be for you! For all info, follow the links above, email hr@teaupouri.iwi.nz or call Clayton, (027) 278 9330.
CEO Kōrero
2023 has started with a hiss and a roar! From whakawātea at Pōtahi, cyclones and Puna Wai ora landing there 100th tank. It is safe to say we have been getting the mahi done for the betterment of Aupōuri whānau. I hope this pānui gives insight into our successes thus far.
Pōtahi papakainga
Waitangi weekend marked the beginning of new development at Pōtahi papakāinga. With the support of haukāinga, a whakawātea was held in preparation for earth works and the landing of three new whare. Since then, two more whare are nearing completion. This is project has not only been beneficial in the way of housing but has created work opportunities for local contractors. Local materials were also sourced including from our own forest, keeping pūtea circulating locally. Once completed, we hope to have a total of 16 homes on site and operational for Aupōuri whānau.
National Iwi Chairs Forum
Despite the challenges of attending hui in the wake of an impending cyclone and state of emergency, Aupōuri representation at National Iwi Chairs Forum was strong. Our chairman and many trustees attended to represent us and the interests of our iwi. Overall, the hui was well attended by many iwi leaders and government officials. This was a great opportunity to address iwi issues, share knowledge and offer solutions, by māori for māori. This was reflected in the outcomes from the forum, such as further investment in housing, te taiao, whenua development and food resilience.
Aupōuri at Waitangi Day
This year, Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri kaimahi lead and participated promotion and celebrations at Waitangi. The day was spent capturing invaluable kōrero from whānau, refreshing details, sharing information, hosting kaumātua, and general promotion of Te Aupōuri. The feedback received was positive, and we look forward to attending next year.
He Tangata Funding
This round of He Tangata Funding saw an exponential growth in applications, doubling normal registrations. We are pleased to share, over $60,000.00 worth of grants will be paid to support study and further education of Te Aupōuri members. The second round of He Tangata funding will re-open in June 2023. We hope to share recipient testimonials via social media in the following months.
Puna Wai Ora
We are proud to announce, last Friday marked the 100th installation of water tanks in Te Hiku. We look forward to celebrating this milestone alongside the many experienced contractors, plumbers and builders that have made this possible. The impact of this project has been hugely beneficial, not only through enabling whanau to access clean drinking water, but by creating local job opportunities and apprenticeships in the plumbing industry.
New Trustees for Te Aupōuri Iwi Development Trust
Congratulations to our newly appointed Te Aupōuri Iwi Development Trustees, Tamara Chirstie-Siaosi and Michelle Nathan. Both, Aupouri members bring invaluable experience in their professions and passion to grow opportunities for Aupōuri whānau
Cyclone Gabrielle
February saw the wrath of Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle hit Aotearoa. Locally, the adverse effects from this major weather event, saw haukāinga without power for long periods of time, destruction of property, road closures and some whānau evacuated. In Te Kao, we applied the same emergency response plan as we did with the Covid pandemic and got through relatively unscathed.Under the supervision of Niki Conrad, OWOT and Kaimanaaki staff were re-deployed to carry out welfare support calls, deliveries, clearing debris off the roads and supporting our whanau at the Marae. As a response to this event, we are investigating ways in which we can become more resilient, should we face similar circumstances again. Special thanks to Niki Conrad, OWOT, Kaimanaaki, Pōtahi Marae, WOP, Te Hiku Teams and all those that supported our haukāinga through this event. Our thoughts are with all those whānau that were severely impacted. Kia kaha tatou.
Moekoraha, Lamb Road Housing development
Clearing of 18.5ha of land at Moekoraha, along Lamb Road has begun. Once un-utilised Te Raite farm land, plans are being made to develop this space for Aupōuri housing. Watch this space!
Te Aupōuri Taonga Exhibited at Auckland Mueseum
He kitenga taonga he hokinga whakaaro ki ngā mātua tūpuna o tuawhakarere. Tēnei ngā uri o Te Ihupango, o Te Houtaewa, o Te Kapa, e tūtaki atu nei, e pā atu nei ki ēnei manatunga whakaahurei a te iwi o Te Aupōuri, mai rā anō i te ao tawhito. E ao te noho tahi a ngā whanaunga ki raro i te maru o Tāmaki Paenga Hira, ki ko hoki i tō tātou whanaunga i a Bobby Newson.
Oranga Whenua, Oranga Tangata
As a team the focus has been installing traps in and around Te Arai, Wahakari and Kokota. The results of this have been massive with possums, cats, rats, hedgehogs and even mustelids being caught. It is sad to think that we have these pests in our taiao, but the results prove that they're here and that our hard work is worth it. The field team have been fencing and beginning restoration work on our wahi tapu/maunga Roimata. We are grateful for our working relationships with our stakeholders, Parengarenga Inc, Parengarenga 3G and Summit. They are invaluable to the mahi we undertake as our access ways fall in and along their boundaries. The nursery is booming! We are on the verge of reaching 40-50,000 plants ready to be planted in the coming weeks. Planting will start once the weather becomes cooler, so there is moisture in the ground and our babies have a greater survival rate. Work on our 2024 plants has also commenced, with propagating and transplanting seedlings. All seedlings are eco sourced within our taiao. In the community, OWOT recently worked alongside marae whanau to complete fencing needed around Pōtahi Marae. All of the team continue to upskill. This year, completing a tree felling/chainsaw course and Grow Safe courses. Plans are set for OWOT to continue development, undergoing more interest-driven courses that align with individuals and their roles. We hope through personalised training all will be empowered in themselves and by their work, in turn bringing the best outcomes for everybody. On a somber note, we farewelled Hemi Conrad. We wish him well in all his future endeavors.
Waipuna aa rangi roadshow
Work is under way to reform the delivery of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater across Aotearoa. All services will soon be delivered by ten publicly owned, locally led water entities. As a part of these reforms, all water entities must:
give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
remove existing barriers and prioritise system design on incorporating solutions that give
effect to Te Mana o te Wai; and
address Iwi/Maori rights and interests.
All iwi and hapu within Te Tai Tokerau (Entity A) are entitled to be involved in the design, establishment and implementation of the key transition workstreams for our local water service entities. Waipuna aa rangi facilitate this! As a way to get iwi-maori involved with the process and have their say, Waipuna aa rangi will be doing a road show around Northland, including a stop at Pōtahi Marae to kōrero with Aupōuri whānau in July 2023. Pānui will be shared via social media once a date has been set. For more information about Waipuna aa rangi and new water reforms, check out their website! https://www.waipunaaarangi.nz.
Tupu Plumbing Initiative
Te Aupōuri Iwi Development Trust, alongside Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust and Crown partners are launching a Group Employer Programme called Tupu Plumbing. The aim of Tupu is to support the installation of water tanks and provide a pathway for participants to gain ongoing employment within the Construction industry in Te Hiku o Te Ika a Maui (Te Hiku). This will be done by providing appropriate training, development opportunities and a foot in the door with local employers. Vacancies are available, and we are seeking people with appropriate skills to lead, motivate and guide participants through training and entry into the workforce. For more information about these vacancies, please see out Facebook page for links to seek listings. More detailed information about this initiative and how to become a participant will be shared in due course.
This year we continue with licensing courses for our Rangatahi. Some receiving their Learners' license and preparing others for their restricted. We hope to have all tauira sit their restricted soon. A huge mihi to the awesome staff at Reap! Poumau Papali’i- Smith and Ra Simeon, who were able to facilitate learner’s license courses in Te Kao this year and in 2022, and also to Angelene Waitohi who supported our rangatahi with their restricted. We are looking forward to holding further courses for haukāinga in the near future.
Kaimahi Hou
2023 we welcomed Arerina and Koro to the OWOT Team! Koro is enjoying the diverse range of work his team are tasked with, while Arerina loves working with nature to nurture native plants at Komako nursery. As haukāinga, both are proud kaitiaki of the whenua, ensuring it's preservation and growth for future generations. Nau mai, haere mai korua!
Our current vacancies are:
Tupu Plumbing Navigator - https://www.seek.co.nz/job/67150259
Tupu Plumbing - Project Manager / Administrator - https://www.seek.co.nz/job/67150698
Tupu Plumbing – Site Supervisor / Certified Plumber - https://www.seek.co.nz/job/67150927
If you have a passion for community development, making a difference to the lives of Te Hiku whānau and are looking for a chance to lead an exciting and progressive initiative, this role could be for you! For all info, follow the links above, email hr@teaupouri.iwi.nz or call Clayton, (027) 278 9330.