Oranga Whenua Oranga Tangata
As a team the focus has been installing traps in and around Te Arai, Wahakari and Kokota. The results of this have been massive with possums, cats, rats, hedgehogs and even mustelids being caught. It is sad to think that we have these pests in our taiao, but the results prove that they're here and that our hard work is worth it.
The field team have been fencing and beginning restoration work on our wahi tapu/maunga Roimata. We are grateful for our working relationships with our stakeholders, Parengarenga Inc, Parengarenga 3G and Summit. They are invaluable to the mahi we undertake as our access ways fall in and along their boundaries.
The nursery is booming! We are on the verge of reaching 40-50,000 plants ready to be planted in the coming weeks. Planting will start once the weather becomes cooler, so there is moisture in the ground and our babies have a greater survival rate.
Work on our 2024 plants has also commenced, with propagating and transplanting seedlings. All seedlings are eco sourced within our taiao. In the community, OWOT recently worked alongside marae whanau to complete fencing needed around Pōtahi Marae.
All of the team continue to upskill. This year, completing a tree felling/chainsaw course and Grow Safe courses. Plans are set for OWOT to continue development, undergoing more interest-driven courses that align with individuals and their roles. We hope through personalised training all will be empowered in themselves and by their work, in turn bringing the best outcomes for everybody.